Patience has never been his strong point - but it looks like Gordon Ramsay is going to need to find plenty of it now.
Despite spending £30,000 on a hair transplant, the hot-tempered chef doesn’t appear to look any different.
The 44-year-old showed off his surgically-enhanced locks for the first time as he began filming a new series of Kitchen Nightmares in Los Angeles on Thursday.

But if he was hoping to see rapid returns on his investment, he may be disappointed.
It can take three to four months for hair growth to begin following a transplant - and more than a year for a significant difference to become apparent.
Ramsay spent 12 hours at the Alvi Armani centre in Beverly Hills at the end of last year, having follicles removed from lush patches of his scalp and reinserted where his hairline is thinning

Performed under local anaesthetic, it requires no stitches - and leaves no scars.
But it may have contributed to Ramsay's rather puffy face which he sported on a day out to a safari park in North Carolina with the Beckhams.

Ramsay's eyes were almost hidden under the swelling of his face as he, wife Tana and their four children, Victoria and David Beckham and their three sons walked and rode round the park looking at the animals, and even had a close encounter with a giraffe.
And one medical expert said his transplant procedure probably left him with the swollen after-effect.
Speaking to the Sun, Dr Mabroor Bhatti, of Transform cosmetic surgery, said: 'It would appear he has had a reaction from his heavy hair transplant.
'Patients can experience swelling which can work itself from the head to the bottom of the face. Gordon seems to have suffered more than usual.'
source :dailymail
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