Stephan Bender american actor yangh

Stephan Bender born 2 June 1989 is an American actor who is currently best known for his portrayal of a young Clark Kent in Superman Returns. His most recent film is Dream Boy written and directed by James Bolton. It recently won the OUTFEST award for best screen writing and was adapted from the novel of the same name by Jim Grimsley. He plays Nathan a lonely boy who has moved to rural Louisiana, where he falls in love with a neighboring farm hand despite having been abused by his father.
external links
* Stephan Bender at the Internet Movie Database
* Stephan Bender at Allmovie
Name Bender, Stephan
Alternative names
Short description
Date of birth 2 June 1989
Place of birth
Date of death
Place of death
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Categories: American film actors | 1989 births | Living people | American film actor, 1980s birth stubs
Stephan Bender
Stephan Bender
Stephan Bender
Stephan Bender
Stephan Bender

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